what up lovelies! so i thought today was going to be a cool one here in the north west, but alas the morning clouds tricked me. but shoo i LOVE sunny weather and i am learning to embrace this 90 degree heat wave. this ladies ideal temperature is 75-80 degrees with a slight breeze, ahhh bliss.
anyways bfast did not disappoint my taste buds.
i decided to go on a run outside because i thought, THOUGHT, it wouldn't be too hot. plus, running on a treadmill gets old quickly. i went for about a 30 minute sweaty ass run... and it was wonderful. then once getting back i hopped in mama c. and papa l's pool and swam some laps. perfect way to start the day.
damn the tummy was hungry after this.
i showered and got ready cause my ma and i were headed to the mall. she needed to return something and i was getting new flippy floppies! holla.
after she dropped me off in ballard because i promised my bro i'd drive with him down to no man's land washington so he could get weighed. for what you ask? well bro ho is doing a strong man competition tomorrow and he had to be under 200 lbeezies. therefore he basically didn't eat for two days... he was shaking. i did not approve. it took forever, damn seattle traffic, getting lost and it was a f*cking sauna in his pleather seated non air conditioned truck. heaven on earth, truly. well, he made weight and the drive home was much more pleasant. we stopped at a grocery store and he consumed probably 3,000 calories on the ride home.
i however stuck to the trusty stand by.
once getting home i was literally starving. i was going to make an elaborate meal but i truly could not function if i didn't get food in my system. so i ate something fast n' easy.
i read on the couch for a wee bit, then cleaned my room and settled in to watch some late night tv. then i started out with this harmless bowl of cereal and blueberries.
so i'm off to my bro's strong man competition today ahah! i let you know how it goes. have a bangin' saturday dolls!