hey boos!
i took all these GLORIOUS photos of food this weekend... and low and behold i never put them up :(.
right now i'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, because i leave for the airport in a little over an hour AHHHH! crazy shit.
needless to say i'll probably be MIA for the next two months, but i'll do my best to tell you fly mamacita's how it is!
thank you, thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog! you ladies are amazing, and i can't wait to get back and start up again :)
peace in tha east.
getting the essentials!
ello ello!
so my last post this goregous gal posed a question. if i was concerned or pumped about food in australia. the answer...
well, i've always liked making my own meals opposed to going out to eat. don't get me wrong i'm all for getting my grub on at a restaurant but i like to choose what goes into my food, ja know? however, in aussi they will provide all the food and i have no clue what will be served. i know i'll be eating a hell of a lot less chocolate and almond butta though! shame, ha. also, it's important to note since blogging i've been living at home. trust me, while living up in bellingham i eat cereal, pb and bread, coffee (yes, 'tis a food group), bars and bananas. okay i eat more than that, but you get my drift. however, i view traveling and volunteering as an opportunity of a lifetime. SO... so what if i don't eat a ton of fruits, veggies or whole wheat bread? i'll eat what they serve even if it's not exactly my ideal meal, it will fuel me though the long days of physical activity and manual labor!
speech done.
back tracking to WENSESDAY.
when i last posted i was scrounging for something to fill that tummy o'mine. low and behold i found the perfect fix. savory oats, ya'll!
1/3 cup oatbran, 1 cup water, 1 morning star pattie, a light laughing cow cheese, salt n'pepa and of course no savory oats would be complete with out hot sauce.
DUR i needed something sweet to complete this meal...

chocolate from a costco variety pack... ahhh much better :)
after cleaning the kitch, mama coop called up to say we were going to take a little adventure to the mall. no complaints here, i needed to get some gear for aussi. i got ready, then around 5pm decided the tum needed a snack.

however, the real star of the show was this.
about a cup of b-nut squash heated with the other half of the cheese wedge. OMFG, so good! i didn't use all the hummus for the veggies so i put the rest of it in the squash, heated again, it tasted like heaven.
i watched some tube, then settled in to read my book, the blade itself. around 10:30pm i got my nightly chocolate fix on.
chocolate dipped in better n'pb and a glass of soy... same ole' same ole'.
after making the obligatory coffee and downing three cups of it, i pondered what to make for bfast. last night i was realllly craving cereal, but i resisted that urge till the morning.
brekkie at 10:00am.

so my last post this goregous gal posed a question. if i was concerned or pumped about food in australia. the answer...
well, i've always liked making my own meals opposed to going out to eat. don't get me wrong i'm all for getting my grub on at a restaurant but i like to choose what goes into my food, ja know? however, in aussi they will provide all the food and i have no clue what will be served. i know i'll be eating a hell of a lot less chocolate and almond butta though! shame, ha. also, it's important to note since blogging i've been living at home. trust me, while living up in bellingham i eat cereal, pb and bread, coffee (yes, 'tis a food group), bars and bananas. okay i eat more than that, but you get my drift. however, i view traveling and volunteering as an opportunity of a lifetime. SO... so what if i don't eat a ton of fruits, veggies or whole wheat bread? i'll eat what they serve even if it's not exactly my ideal meal, it will fuel me though the long days of physical activity and manual labor!
speech done.
back tracking to WENSESDAY.
when i last posted i was scrounging for something to fill that tummy o'mine. low and behold i found the perfect fix. savory oats, ya'll!
1/3 cup oatbran, 1 cup water, 1 morning star pattie, a light laughing cow cheese, salt n'pepa and of course no savory oats would be complete with out hot sauce.
DUR i needed something sweet to complete this meal...
my last honey crisp (tear) with cinnamon.
BUT the natural sweetness 'twas not enough, enter...
chocolate from a costco variety pack... ahhh much better :)
after cleaning the kitch, mama coop called up to say we were going to take a little adventure to the mall. no complaints here, i needed to get some gear for aussi. i got ready, then around 5pm decided the tum needed a snack.
carrots, shrooms, sabara hummus and 1/2 a chocolate chip clif bar.
we headed out around 6pm, check out the loot i got!
teva sandals (on sale, i might add), camp pillow and a camp towel. i've never heard of a camp towel before, but i guess you get it wet before you shower and ring it out... strange. but i was told it is like a sham wow (side note: such a creep). thanks ma!
then i bought myself a empire beanie because that is ESSENTIAL to have in the out back.
we got back around 8:30 so i started fixin' dinner right away.
dinna around 8:45pm.
carrots and shrooms dipped in hummus. costco grape leave with hot sauce and 1/2 a mulit-grain muffin with 1/2 a laughing cow cheese wedge and tj's blackberry jam.however, the real star of the show was this.
about a cup of b-nut squash heated with the other half of the cheese wedge. OMFG, so good! i didn't use all the hummus for the veggies so i put the rest of it in the squash, heated again, it tasted like heaven.
i watched some tube, then settled in to read my book, the blade itself. around 10:30pm i got my nightly chocolate fix on.
chocolate dipped in better n'pb and a glass of soy... same ole' same ole'.
after making the obligatory coffee and downing three cups of it, i pondered what to make for bfast. last night i was realllly craving cereal, but i resisted that urge till the morning.
brekkie at 10:00am.
kirkland's spiced pecan cereal, after the pic i added soy milk. also, half a naner spread with a tiny spoonful of almond butta.
after puttering, i hopped on the treadmill and ran a little over 5 miles while watching the ever classy E! channel.
being a hot mess i showered then cleaned the kitchen... for some reason this is my duty of the household. i'm not complaining though considering i'm living at home, for free. yes, i am a child adult. well, until i leave tuesday that is!
lunch was around 2:30pm.
the ususal suspects: carrots, shrooms and hummus. also, an mulit-grain english muffin with butter, cinnamon and splenda. okay, so i NEVER use splenda. i'm not opposed to it, but i usually use real sugar. plus we have none in our house... i just happened to jack some free packets from starbucks!
what are your thoughts on splenda?
then mama coop was walking down to the bus stop to meet up with some friends, so i decided to occupancy her. after parting i skipped walked into alberston's and got this dime.
canned pumpkin.
i fo sho will be incorporating this into my bfast tomorrow or perhaps dessert tonight!
around 5pm the pops came home and we headed out to costco. running out the door i grab 1/2 of a chocolate chip clif bar.
at costco i got 2 pairs of cargo pants, and two long sleeve t-shirts for my travels.
round 7:30pm i fixed a simple dinner.
la tortilla factory wrap with pb and a side of honey crisp... i love costco and the pops for refilling my stock!
and then i was hankering for last nights treasure!
acorn squash, 1/2 a light laughing cow cheese, and hummus heated up. SO GOOD!
right after i dug into the new chocolate stash...
dove peanut butter filled milk chocolate. honestly, i thought i would enjoy this way more. o-well, i guess the i just enjoy dipping my sweet treat in pb betta.
i sense a bowl of cereal in my future, mmm.
well lovely's it is SO close to the weekend! it's my last here in the states for a time so, crazay! tomorrow i have a lunch date with a friend, then later i'm going out with some homies. saturday i need to get more stuff for my trip and then have a dessert date with the bestie!
OH and i'm just going to put it out there... you ladies are absolutely phenomenal! seriously, you all are WAY busy and still find time to blog, eat well, work out on top of going to school or working... it truly amazes me. honestly, i know i'm a spotty blogger, but i always come back because i LOVE reading yours and sincerely appreciate every time you have something to say about mine. so thank you!
on that note, it's almost the weekend... go celebrate!
holiday muggin'
ahoy mates!
wassup wassup. so lets back that ass up to MONDAY.
therefore i rolled out of bed late and didn't eat brekkie till 12:30pm.
FYI one of my favorite things in the world... holiday themed coffee mugs. they bring a big smile to my face :)
black coffee.
then i had this dime piece, fo sho.
my last tj's 0% greek honey yogurt... you shall be mourned. avec 1/2 an extremely ripe peach, a handful of costco's kirkland spiced pecan cereal and a spoonful of almond butta.
the spiced pecan cereal is the pops so i hardly ever eat it... i don't know why though. it is delish! it has a roasted cinnamon smell and taste like fall, yum!
i ran 5 miles on ole treadie, then proceeded to get my crunch on. after showering and so on i was ready for some grub.
lunch at 3:30pm.
1 multi-grain muffin spread with a light laughing cow cheese, topped with tj's blackberry jam and shredded dark chocolate. plus a honey crisp with cinnamon for good measure :)
monday i managed to get my tourist visa, holla! so excited :) slash terrified.
anyways dinna rolled around and i cooked squash for madre and i.
dinner at 6:45pm, why hello beautiful.
acorn squash! i had about 1/4 of it.
then i also cooked up this block of tofu plus had a salad avec: spinach, cherry tomatoes, shrooms, capers, a light laughing cow cheese and a spoonful of hummus... sorry no pic!
but i did get a snap shot of dis'...
bomb tj's baked tofu.
i was still wired and wanted to make sure i fell asleep, so i walked on the treadmill for an hour (no incline) while watching E! news and the daily 10... class. afterward i took a bath. i've decided from now, till the time i leave, i will be taking a bath every night. got to soak (literally, ha) up life's luxuries while having the chance!
dessert while reading was an oldie, but a goodie.
around 10pm.
a cup o'plain soy. honey crisp with cinnamon, chocolate and better n'pb.
close up on the beaut...
yesterday was mama coops bday!
to honor the wonderful woman here are some pics...
in ireland, yes i am miming that of a leprechaun. not a tourist at all.

on the adraic sea in italy!
to continue the trend of themed coffee mugs, say hello to ghosty.
black coffee, but of course.
breakfast around 10:30am.
1 whole wheat greek pita, light laughing cow cheese wedge, tj's blackberry jam and cinnamon. 'tis joy.
i honestly can't remember what filled my hours between bfast and these eats, but i'm sure it was epic.
around 1:30pm.
coco chip clif bar spread with a tiny spoonful almond butta, and a last honey crisp.
i was still hungray, so the eats proceeded with this gem.
last of the pb puffins, spiced pecan cereal and soy.
i felt sick, and kind of nauseous after this... no idea why, but not feelin' it. regardless i hopped on the treadmill and walked slash jogged a slow 5 miles.
when i was done i walked up stairs to see this beauty. it 'twas delivered to the madre from my aunt and uncle for her bday...
edible arrangements shortay! ahhaha! bets believe i snatched a chocolate covered strawberry!
i gave my ma a manicure, then we went for a bonding walk around the neighborhood.
my bro came over and i started cooking mama coop her bday dinna.
dinner 'twas around 7:45pm... and besides the chocolate strawberry i had not eaten since early afternoon, needless to say i was cranky and hungry.
no pic, again sorry! but the fam ate scallops, b-nut squash i cooked, salad and bread.
i however ate: b-nut squash (durr), 2 grape leaves with tzatziki sauce, shrooms and carrots dipped in hummus and tj's baked savoury tofu.
i took a bath, then settled in to watch the hills and the city while munching on this.
a shit ton of chocolate with better n'pb and a glass of soy.
since i'm going to be in australia on hallows eve, therefore i'm feeling quite festive while still here in the states.
bfast at 10am.
mulit-grain muffin smeared with almond butta and a naner with cinnamon.
after bfast i got a ring from amy, the homegirl who is helping me out with all my travel stuff. we talked about the essentials i need to know, slash thangs i need to bring.
just now i got off the treadmill. so, as i type i'm a hot sweaty mess... just in case you needed a visual. alas, i must part and get my booty in the kitch to make a lil' summin' summin' to eat!ciao for now bellas :)
love me some whip cream!
bonjour! how you doin'? chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' or shootin' some bball outside the school? ... i hope so, just like my homeboy the fresh prince. my weekend has been relaxing. just kicking it with the fam bam.
the exciting thangs i did? got all martha stewart and put up halloween decorations with mama coop. went to my bro ho's rugby game... they won! i ran 4 miles friday, 5 saturday and 6 today. truly i didn't intend to do a progressive number of miles, but that's apparently that's how i roll.
now on to food, yes?
i didn't capture all my eats, but i'll give you a looksie into some of the weekend glories.
there were yogurt messes...
tj's 0% greek yogurt, pb and original puffins, spoonful of jam and better n'pb.
tj's yogurt, pb puffins, pumpkin granola peaking out from below, 1 spoonful of better n'pb and whipped cream!
man, i love me some whip cream... this weekend though, i kind of ODed on it.
greek inspired grub.
1/2 whole wheat pita spread with a laughing cow cheese and 1/2 a grape leaf. plus some shrooms lovin' dipped in hummus.
bets believe i munched on apples...
honey crisp with cinnamon.
some cookie action.
oatmeal rasin cookie!
some good ole' savory eats snuck in.
grape leafs with tzatziki sauce and hot sauce. baked and fried tofu, carrots, shrooms n' hummus.
you complete me. dessert snack plates...
honey crisp, dark chocolate dipped in better n'pb.
another love of my life, cereal, 'twas eaten this weekend.
original and pb puffins with soy.
OH and i saved this treasure for last. i had about 3 huge pieces of the gem this weekend.
pumpkin pie with LOADS of whip cream. slightly obsessed.
welp home skillets, have a lovely night!
the joys of squash.
hey girl hey.
so i'm picking up the eat train from yesterday.
around 5pm i snacked on this treasure, while gallivanting out the house to walk the pups.
banana with a spoonful of almond butta slathered on after the first bite. messy, delicious and nutritious.
after coming home and pretty much doing a shit ton of nothing i decided to bust out a new dinna! star ingredient spaghetti squash! boooomb. i also whipped up a snacky side plate all woofed down around 7:30pm.

after watching too many hours of free greek episodes on hulu i put the lap top down and headed in the kitch for a late night snack-a-roo.
munching on it around 10pm while reading my book. (ignore the messy looking plate, that would be cinnamon from an apple i never ate and wrapped up to save for later).
big handful of puffins, dark chocolate with better n'pb AND this to wash it all down...
after clonking out around 12:30am, i woke up at a luxurious hour of 10am. shoot, my body to be a tad confused when i'm waking up at 7am in the outback to do manual labor all day hahaha! if nothing, it shall be interesting... PLUS maybe i'll finally get some sweet guns.
at 11am brekkie was calling my name.
no pic BUT just imagine yesterday's bfast except instead of a laughing cow cheese wedge i had almond butta and jam on a whole wheat pita... honestly i kind of liked the cheese version more, blasphemous i know.
after lougning i finally got my booty going and hopped on the tread. i ran a little ova 4 miles then did some ABS! woo! haha seriously i'm trying to do more strength stuff and since i don't have weights or a gym membership abs will have to suffice.
then hunger struck around 2pm...

so i'm picking up the eat train from yesterday.
around 5pm i snacked on this treasure, while gallivanting out the house to walk the pups.
banana with a spoonful of almond butta slathered on after the first bite. messy, delicious and nutritious.
after coming home and pretty much doing a shit ton of nothing i decided to bust out a new dinna! star ingredient spaghetti squash! boooomb. i also whipped up a snacky side plate all woofed down around 7:30pm.
spagehetti squash, 1 boca burger, a light laughing cow cheese wedge, capers and hot sauce... soooo good!
then this side plate fiasco.
1/2 a whole pita with sabara hummus smeared between, plus some baby carrots for good measure.
munching on it around 10pm while reading my book. (ignore the messy looking plate, that would be cinnamon from an apple i never ate and wrapped up to save for later).
plain soy milk.
after clonking out around 12:30am, i woke up at a luxurious hour of 10am. shoot, my body to be a tad confused when i'm waking up at 7am in the outback to do manual labor all day hahaha! if nothing, it shall be interesting... PLUS maybe i'll finally get some sweet guns.
at 11am brekkie was calling my name.
after lougning i finally got my booty going and hopped on the tread. i ran a little ova 4 miles then did some ABS! woo! haha seriously i'm trying to do more strength stuff and since i don't have weights or a gym membership abs will have to suffice.
then hunger struck around 2pm...
2 grape leafs with hot sauce, carrots n' hummus and a big ass honey crisp.
it was a beaut outside today so i put on my walking shoes and headed out the door. i went for about a 40 minute walk.
once back awhile, round 5pm i got all munchy again.
ginger tea, about 1 cup? puffins, a mejool date stuffed with 1/2 a laughing cow cheese and chocolate chips.
about 30mins ago i just got back from a short 20 min walk with mama coop. it's 6:30ish so i'm guesstimating in about 1 hour i'll get my eat on, mmmhmm.
it's almost the weekend ya'll, yayer!
bay area
hey dolls!
so i've been m.i.a, in tha bay! word.
this past weekend was wonderful, glorious... and supa fresh. i seriously had the BEST time road trippin' with the homez to san fran. we left at 7pm and arrived at 10am, daymn it was a long ass drive. we all got about 1 hour of sleep, true crack babies. we went to a free music festival both saturday and sunday called hardly strictly bluegrass. 'twas amazing, and now i'm officially in love with san fran. it seems the list of cities i fall in love with is ever growing... but shoo, i can't help it. i'm feeling the vibe these places are giving, ja know?
clearly, while road trippin' fresh eats were thrown out the window. filled with chips, cookies, bars, bomb ass zucchini bread my friend baked, brownies, coffee OH and lets not forget the few carrots i manage to sneak in. it was all part of the experience, mmhhmm.
by the time i got back monday i was ready my "clean", if it can even be called that, eats.
i woke up at 12:30, trust me the ole body needed to recover.
bfast at 1:00 pm.
honey crisp doused in cinnamon and a spoonful of almond butta.
i ran 5 miles in 46 minutes on the trusty tread... it felt damn good to run after a beer filled, carb fest 2009 weekend. then walked another mile on an incline.
after showering, i bought my plane tickets for down under! finally everything is official, i'm so excited! it's such a weird feeling that i'll be gone for two month, knowing anyone and few comforts, aka homegirl will be sleeping in a tent. shortay is about the get wild nature woman on ya'll.
had this gem of savory oats round 3:30pm.
1/3 cup o' oat bran, 1 cup water, 1 morning star pattie, light laughing cow cheese wedge, 1 egg white with a shit ton of hot sauce.
then after of course the damn sweet tooth came knocking...
mejool date stuffed with better n'pb and a little chocolate piece. divine.
i called my adviser around 4:30 to talk about my trip and if i could get any field work hours for it... considering my major is travel and tourism, it looks promising. then, mama coop and i headed outside for a leisurely stroll to the bank and back.
around 8pm i ate this tasty din...
bahahhaha! okay so maybe i lied. this is a classy establishment we saw in hick town u.s.a, when driving back from san fran. of course we all got memberships.
sorry, but i don't actually have a real dinna pic! :( fail, i know.
BUT it 'twas delish. 2 stuffed grape leaves with tzatziki sauce, 1 morning star pattie with hot sauce, carrots and hummus PLUS the star of the show... sweet tater fries with ketchup. it made me a happy lady.
say hello to my dessert platter. eaten while watching every girls guilty pleasure, the hills and the city durr.
honey crisp with cinn, original puffins, spoonful of better n'pb to be dipped in my chocolate and soy milk. it was lovely.
i woke around 9am and downed black coffee till i had this new eat for bfast.
at 10am i ate this creation i dreamed up yesterday. okay, so it's not that creative. however, i rarely step out of my eating patterns so it was imaginative in its own special way.
1 whole wheat pita then spread with a light laughing cow cheese wedge topped with cinnamon and tj's blackberry jam.
this morn' i called up the agency i'm traveling through to make sure my insurance is covered, lucky for me it is. then i hopped on the treadmill (side note: i'm SUCH a wimp when it comes to running outside when it starts to get cold) and ran 4.5 miles walk .5 then attempted to do crunches. when i say attempt, i mean doing the easiest set for 3 minutes then skip along my merry way.
after showering i had this dime around 1:30pm.
after reading a few chapters of my book, alas my snacky ways were not sedated. i munched on this not too long ago.
carrots and two spoonfuls of sabara hummus.
welp, i'm off to find a hostel for when i land in australia (less than two weeks away, crazy).
but before i go i'll leave with some pics of san fran...
oh and mind i didn't take that many, the other homies did. but here we are, crack status and all...
be prepared for some hand on hip sass.
some more classiness, pouring a some brew in a coffee mug...
note my west side.
okay lonley boy...
guy all brutish by himself... possibly still hung over from the day before.
at the concert...
hey, i never claimed to be a fashionista.
grand finale, this is 7 am while trekking back...
well, hope you fiooone ladies are having a good hump day!
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