
bay area

hey dolls!

so i've been m.i.a, in tha bay! word.
this past weekend was wonderful, glorious... and supa fresh. i seriously had the BEST time road trippin' with the homez to san fran. we left at 7pm and arrived at 10am, daymn it was a long ass drive. we all got about 1 hour of sleep, true crack babies. we went to a free music festival both saturday and sunday called hardly strictly bluegrass. 'twas amazing, and now i'm officially in love with san fran. it seems the list of cities i fall in love with is ever growing... but shoo, i can't help it. i'm feeling the vibe these places are giving, ja know?

clearly, while road trippin' fresh eats were thrown out the window. filled with chips, cookies, bars, bomb ass zucchini bread my friend baked, brownies, coffee OH and lets not forget the few carrots i manage to sneak in. it was all part of the experience, mmhhmm.
by the time i got back monday i was ready my "clean", if it can even be called that, eats.


i woke up at 12:30, trust me the ole body needed to recover.
bfast at 1:00 pm.

 honey crisp doused in cinnamon and a spoonful of almond butta.

i ran 5 miles in 46 minutes on the trusty tread... it felt damn good to run after a beer filled, carb fest 2009 weekend. then walked another mile on an incline.

after showering, i bought my plane tickets for down under! finally everything is official, i'm so excited! it's such a weird feeling that i'll be gone for two month, knowing anyone and few comforts, aka homegirl will be sleeping in a tent. shortay is about the get wild nature woman on ya'll.

had this gem of savory oats round 3:30pm.

1/3 cup o' oat bran, 1 cup water, 1 morning star pattie, light laughing cow cheese wedge, 1 egg white with a shit ton of hot sauce. 

then after of course the damn sweet tooth came knocking...

mejool date stuffed with better n'pb and a little chocolate piece. divine.

i called my adviser around 4:30 to talk about my trip and if i could get any field work hours for it... considering my major is travel and tourism, it looks promising. then, mama coop and i headed outside for a leisurely stroll to the bank and back.

around 8pm i ate this tasty din...
bahahhaha! okay so maybe i lied. this is a classy establishment we saw in hick town u.s.a, when driving back from san fran. of course we all got memberships.

sorry, but i don't actually have a real dinna pic! :( fail, i know.
BUT it 'twas delish. 2 stuffed grape leaves with tzatziki sauce, 1 morning star pattie with hot sauce, carrots and hummus PLUS the star of the show... sweet tater fries with ketchup. it made me a happy lady.

say hello to my dessert platter. eaten while watching every girls guilty pleasure, the hills and the city durr.

honey crisp with cinn, original puffins, spoonful of better n'pb to be dipped in my chocolate and soy milk. it was lovely.


i woke around 9am and downed black coffee till i had this new eat for bfast.
at 10am i ate this creation i dreamed up yesterday. okay, so it's not that creative. however, i rarely step out of my eating patterns so it was imaginative in its own special way.

1 whole wheat pita then spread with a light laughing cow cheese wedge topped with cinnamon and tj's blackberry jam. 

this morn' i called up the agency i'm traveling through to make sure my insurance is covered, lucky for me it is. then i hopped on the treadmill (side note: i'm SUCH a wimp when it comes to running outside when it starts to get cold) and ran 4.5 miles walk .5 then attempted to do crunches. when i say attempt, i mean doing the easiest set for 3 minutes then skip along my merry way.

after showering i had this dime around 1:30pm.

honey crisp doused in cinnamon and my fav clif bar, coco chip.

after reading a few chapters of my book, alas my snacky ways were not sedated. i munched on this not too long ago.

carrots and two spoonfuls of sabara hummus.

welp, i'm off to find a hostel for when i land in australia (less than two weeks away, crazy).
but before i go i'll leave with some pics of san fran...
oh and mind i didn't take that many, the other homies did. but here we are, crack status and all...
be prepared for some hand on hip sass.

some more classiness, pouring a some brew in a coffee mug...

note my west side.

okay lonley boy...

guy all brutish by himself... possibly still hung over from the day before.

at the concert... 

hey, i never claimed to be a fashionista.

grand finale, this is 7 am while trekking back...


well, hope you fiooone ladies are having a good hump day!


  1. I don't know how you can only eat one stuffed date.. those babies are dangerous around me!!

  2. i loveeeeee your dessert platters! i started making ssimilar ones with carob chips, dried pineapple and almond butter. yummmmmy. happy hump day!

  3. can you feed me please? your food looks so delicous!
    seriously, everything. i . want. to . eat!

  4. AHHH!!! So glad you had fun in the Bay!!! I miss it so much!

    It's always nice to return to your normal eats and workouts after a vacay. I remind myself that I get to do that when it's one of those trips where chips and fries are the norm instead of oatmeal and apples.

    Two weeks?! Furreal? CRAZY! xoxo

  5. loving the recap darling! hahaha.. the socks and the westside were my fave :) SO JEALOUS YOU ARE GOING TO OZ!
